This toolkit includes everything you need to build your own KeyQuencer extensions.
Note: the interface had slightly changed in version 1.2, see the "Read me 1.2.1" file.
- The "Extension.h" file provides all the knowledge and interface specifications you need to build a working extension with any C compiler. This is the only file you need if you are an expert programmer and want to write all of the code yourself.
- The "Extension.c" and "Action.h" files contain a simple extension frame that can be used without changes for any extension. The "A4Globals.h" header deals with compiler-specific ways to access global variables (the 68K Think C and Code Warrior environments are currently supported).
- "Action.c" and "Sample.rsrc" are the only files to change if you want to build on the standard extension frame. Just insert your code in the init() and run() routines (read the "Action.h" file for more information about them), edit the 'MPRM' resource with the ResEdit template and change the code resource name to match your extension's name. You should also remove the 'cicn', 'ICN#' and 'TEXT' resources from the "Sample.rsrc" file if you're not using them.
- The "Sample-TC.π" file is a Think C 7.0.4 project. If you have an older version of the compiler and can't read the project, create a new one and add "Action.c", "Extension.c", "Sample.rsrc" and "MacTraps". Set the project type to "Code resource", file type 'KQex', creator 'KQue', name "Sample" (or your own extension's name), resource type 'KQex', ID 128 (or any other), attributes none (00).
- The "Sample-CW.π" file is a Code Warrior MW C/C++ 68K project. You may build a new one if needed by adding the same files described above and setting the project preferences accordingly.